
List properties [Coldwell Banker Jamaica Realty]
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$ 267,365
  • Beds 2
  • Baths 3
  • Condominium

    St. Catherine, Jamaica

    Listed by Barbara Clarke
    $ 1,000

    St. Ann, Jamaica

    Listed by Andria Boyd
    $ 265,090
  • Beds 2
  • Baths 2
  • Condominium

    St. Catherine, Jamaica

    Listed by Andre Alston
    $ 324,866
  • Beds 4
  • Baths 3
  • Single Family Detached

    St. Ann, Jamaica

    Listed by Claude Fletcher
    $ 850,000
  • Beds 3
  • Baths 4
  • Single Family Detached

    St. Ann, Jamaica

    Listed by Nicole Nesbeth
    $ 265,090
  • Beds 2
  • Baths 2
  • Condominium

    St. Catherine, Jamaica

    Listed by Andre Alston
    $ 389,839
  • Beds 3
  • Baths 3
  • Condominium

    Kingston & St. Andrew, Jamaica

    Listed by Kamille Jackson
    $ 350,000
    Residential Land

    Kingston & St. Andrew, Jamaica

    Listed by Kaili Mcdonnough Scott
    $ 5,500,000
  • Beds 5
  • Baths 5
  • Single Family Detached

    Hanover, Jamaica

    Listed by Nicola Delapenha
    $ 4,870

    Kingston & St. Andrew, Jamaica

    Listed by Kaili Mcdonnough Scott
    $ 31,188
    Residential Land

    St. Catherine, Jamaica

    Listed by Denille-Ann Robertson
    $ 227,406
  • Beds 2
  • Baths 3
  • Condominium

    Clarendon, Jamaica

    Listed by Lystra Sharp
    $ 267,365
  • Beds 2
  • Baths 3
  • Condominium

    St. Catherine, Jamaica

    Listed by Natalie Barakat-Johnson
    $ 2,900,000
  • Beds 7
  • Baths 6
  • Single Family Detached

    St. Ann, Jamaica

    Listed by Howard Pottinger
    $ 267,365
  • Beds 2
  • Baths 3
  • Condominium

    St. Catherine, Jamaica

    Listed by Natalie Barakat-Johnson
    $ 227,406
  • Beds 2
  • Baths 3
  • Condominium

    Clarendon, Jamaica

    Listed by Lystra Sharp
    $ 265,090
  • Beds 2
  • Baths 3
  • Condominium

    St. Catherine, Jamaica

    Listed by Natalie Barakat-Johnson
    $ 227,406
  • Beds 2
  • Baths 3
  • Condominium

    Clarendon, Jamaica

    Listed by Lystra Sharp
    $ 265,090
  • Beds 2
  • Baths 3
  • Condominium

    St. Catherine, Jamaica

    Listed by Natalie Barakat-Johnson
    $ 350,000
    Residential Land

    St. Ann, Jamaica

    Listed by Howard Pottinger
    $ 5,000,000
  • Beds 8
  • Baths 8
  • Single Family Detached

    Kingston & St. Andrew, Jamaica

    Listed by Marie Blair-Nicely
    $ 267,365
  • Beds 2
  • Baths 3
  • Condominium

    St. Catherine, Jamaica

    Listed by Natalie Barakat-Johnson
    $ 227,406
  • Beds 2
  • Baths 3
  • Single Family Detached

    Clarendon, Jamaica

    Listed by Wayne Stewart
    $ 116,952
    Residential Land

    St. James, Jamaica

    Listed by Lenna Phillpotts
    $ 265,090
  • Beds 2
  • Baths 3
  • Condominium

    St. Catherine, Jamaica

    Listed by Natalie Barakat-Johnson
    $ 265,090
  • Beds 2
  • Baths 3
  • Condominium

    St. Catherine, Jamaica

    Listed by Barbara Clarke
    $ 265,090
  • Beds 2
  • Baths 3
  • Condominium

    St. Catherine, Jamaica

    Listed by Natalie Barakat-Johnson
    $ 25,340
    Residential Land

    St. Elizabeth, Jamaica

    Listed by Denille-Ann Robertson
    $ 305,000
    Residential Land

    St. Ann, Jamaica

    Listed by Richard Sadler
    $ 5,250,000

    St. Ann, Jamaica

    Listed by Kaili Mcdonnough Scott
    $ 255,000

    St. James, Jamaica

    Listed by Michele Crombie
    $ 292,379
  • Beds 7
  • Baths 5
  • Single Family Detached

    St. Mary, Jamaica

    Listed by Claude Fletcher
    $ 650,000
  • Beds 3
  • Baths 4
  • Condominium

    Kingston & St. Andrew, Jamaica

    Listed by Andrew Issa
    $ 800,000
  • Beds 4
  • Baths 4
  • Single Family Detached

    Kingston & St. Andrew, Jamaica

    Listed by Kaili Mcdonnough Scott
    $ 329,000
    Residential Land

    Kingston & St. Andrew, Jamaica

    Listed by Kaili Mcdonnough Scott
    $ 64,974
    Residential Land

    St. Ann, Jamaica

    Listed by Peter Brown
    $ 70,000
    Residential Land

    St. Elizabeth, Jamaica

    Listed by Michele Crombie
    $ 450,000
    Residential Land

    Kingston & St. Andrew, Jamaica

    Listed by Tessa Sewell
    $ 465,000
  • Beds 7
  • Baths 6
  • Single Family Detached

    St. Mary, Jamaica

    Listed by Howard Pottinger
    $ 1,495
  • Beds 4
  • Baths 5
  • Single Family Detached

    Kingston & St. Andrew, Jamaica

    Listed by Nordia Gentles
    $ 421,600
  • Beds 1
  • Baths 1
  • Single Family Detached

    Kingston & St. Andrew, Jamaica

    Listed by Wayne Stewart
    $ 4,500,000
  • Beds 4
  • Baths 4
  • Single Family Detached

    St. Ann, Jamaica

    Listed by Gillian Kaye Black
    $ 19,492
    Residential Land

    Hanover, Jamaica

    Listed by Tracey-Ann Mair
    $ 126,698
  • Beds 5
  • Baths 3
  • Single Family Detached

    St. Catherine, Jamaica

    Listed by Tessa Sewell
    $ 1,000
  • Beds 2
  • Baths 2
  • Single Family Detached

    Trelawny, Jamaica

    Listed by Debbie Ade-Gold Thompson
    $ 21,667

    Kingston & St. Andrew, Jamaica

    Listed by Marie Blair-Nicely
    $ 149,438
    Residential Land

    Manchester, Jamaica

    Listed by Lenna Phillpotts
    $ 162,433
  • Beds 9
  • Baths 7
  • Single Family Detached

    St. James, Jamaica

    Listed by Alan Williams
    $ 32,487
    Residential Land

    Hanover, Jamaica

    Listed by Michele Crombie
    $ 1,400,000
  • Beds 5
  • Baths 5
  • Condominium

    St. James, Jamaica

    Listed by Andrew Issa
    $ 25,990
    Residential Land

    St. Elizabeth, Jamaica

    Listed by Beverley Palmer
    $ 28,000

    Kingston & St. Andrew, Jamaica

    Listed by Luke Issa
    $ 5,542

    Kingston & St. Andrew, Jamaica

    Listed by Natalie Barakat-Johnson
    $ 2,600,000
    Residential Land

    Portland, Jamaica

    Listed by Kaili Mcdonnough Scott

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