
$ 75,000
Fixer Upper
Beds 4
Baths 2.5
Sq. ft. 3,000


Handyman SpecialFIXER UPPER in Clarence Town! This property is located in the capital of Long Island. The house is a handyman special and needs lots of repairs or remove the structure and build your dream home. It is close to Lighthouse Point Marina, the government dock, restaurants and boat ramp. Easy access for fishing and diving in this area with beautiful beaches.

Property Details

Property type Single Family Detached
Address Bahamas View map
$ 75,000
Beds 4
Baths 2.5
MLS# / Listing ID 53508
Sq. Ft. 3000
Lot Size 14098
Jeannette Knowles > Call: (242) 601 6500
/ Call:(242) 472 8459

Bahamian by birth, Long Island .. read more.

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