
$ 275,000
Home For Sale In Nassau
Fire Trail Road, Bahamas
Beds 3
Baths 2
Sq. ft. 2


Nassau Home For SaleLocated on the western side of McKinney Drive, south of Rocky Pine Road, this 2,000 sq. ft. single-family home sits on a large 15,000 sq. ft. multi-family lot. The home comprises 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, utility, laundry, kitchen, dining and living rooms and requires a little TLC. At the rear is a recently renovated efficiency ready for a tenant.

The property, which is set back from the main road, is accessed by a shared private road, and enjoys a large quiet garden with mature fruit trees including, avocado and mango trees, populating the rear of this large lot. This is ideal for someone looking to develop an income-generating property.

Property Details

Property type Single Family Detached
Address Fire Trail Road, Bahamas View map
$ 275,000
Beds 3
Baths 2
MLS# / Listing ID 49388
Sq. Ft. 2,000 sq. f
Lot Size 15,000 sq.
Garry Markham > Call: (242) 601 6500
/ Call:(242) 357 9196

Garry arrived in the Bahamas from Eng.. read more.

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