
$ 2,610,000
Long Island Acreage For Sale
Sq. ft. 6,357,582


Long Island Land For SaleThis property is located in the south of Long Island, only minutes away from the capital, Clarence Town. This is a great location for a large development or single family homes. The mailboat comes into Clarence Town every week and the freighter from the United Sates also docks there once a week. There are restaurants, a gas station, marina and a new bakery there for your convience The famous "Dean's Blue Hole" is only a ten minute drive north of this property. Deadman's Cay Airport is also close by. The property runs from the main Queen's to the selina. There is a quarry road along the property.

Property Details

Property type Residential Land
Address Bahamas View map
$ 2,610,000
MLS# / Listing ID 35941
Sq. Ft. 6357582
Lot Size 145.95 acre
Kathy Rose > Call: (242) 337 6100
/ Call:(242) 472 4005

Kathy Rose is a Coldwell Banker veter.. read more.

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