
$ 399,000
Long Island Home For Sale
Beds 4
Baths 3.5
Sq. ft. 2


Home on Long Island For SaleLarge two-story home with three bedrooms, two and a half baths located in Deadman's Cay. There is also an efficiency with one bedroom and one bath great for guests. Centrally located near Deadman's Cay Airport, grocery stores, gas station, restaurants, schools and Churches.

Property Details

Property type Single Family Detached
Address Bahamas View map
$ 399,000
Beds 4
Baths 3.5
MLS# / Listing ID 57734
Sq. Ft. 2,772 sq. f
Lot Size 24,000 sq.
Kathy Rose > Call: (242) 337 6100
/ Call:(242) 472 4005

Kathy Rose is a Coldwell Banker veter.. read more.

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