
$ 150,000
Long Island Investment Opportunity
Beds 4
Baths 4
Sq. ft. 2


Long Island HomeLooking for a home or investment property? Well, you have found it! While this home needs some work to complete, this property provides and entry level opportunity for ownership. Perfect for those with a keen eye for transformation, the boundless possibilities await you. It features 4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms on an acre of property in the settlement of Millertons.

Property Details

Property type Single Family Detached
Address Bahamas View map
$ 150,000
Beds 4
Baths 4
MLS# / Listing ID 54356
Sq. Ft. 2,400 sq. f
Lot Size 1 acre
Kathy Rose > Call: (242) 337 6100
/ Call:(242) 472 4005

Kathy Rose is a Coldwell Banker veter.. read more.

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