
$ 65,000
Long Island Lot For Sale


Lots in Long Island For SaleTwo Vacant lots located in "The Bight" with highway access. One has lots of room to build a vacation home here. The property is close to a food store and Salt Pond where there is a gas station, grocery store, car mechanic shop and restaurants. The government dock is in Salt Pond where the freighter comes in once a week with supplies to the island. Great boating, fishing and sailing are popular in this area.

Property Details

Property type Residential Land
Address Bahamas View map
$ 65,000
MLS# / Listing ID 52243
Lot Size 33,723 sq.
Kathy Rose > Call: (242) 337 6100
/ Call:(242) 472 4005

Kathy Rose is a Coldwell Banker veter.. read more.

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