
$ 185,000
Ocean View Lot
Sq. ft. 39,447


Ocean View LotThis property offers great elevation and ocean views of the Atlantic side of the island. The lot is located in Stella Maris where one has the Stella Maris Resort and Stella Maris Marina. Enjoy relaxing on the beach or the pool by the Moonshine Restaurant, overlooking the crystal clear waters and white sandy beach. The lot has a partial wall/fireplace on it from a previoous structure. There is also a septic and water cistern in place that has been there for many years. There are many natural palms and trees on the property. This is a great location to build your home in paradise!

Property Details

Property type Residential Land
Address Bahamas View map
$ 185,000
MLS# / Listing ID 45336
Sq. Ft. 39447
Jeannette Knowles > Call: (242) 601 6500
/ Call:(242) 472 8459

Bahamian by birth, Long Island .. read more.

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