
$ 5,500
RENTED Sandyport Drive, Sandyport
Sandyport, Bahamas
Beds 3
Baths 3.5
Sq. ft. 2


RENTED Renovated Executive TownhomeThis beautiful executive townhouse is situated in the gated community of Sandyport in western New Providence. Beautifully renovated in recent years it features a large open plan living/dining room overlooking the spacious landscaped backyard and canal front. With 3 bedrooms 3

Property Details

Property type Single Family Detached
Address Sandyport, Bahamas View map
$ 5,500
Beds 3
Baths 3.5
MLS# / Listing ID 38370
Sq. Ft. 2,500 sq. f
Spencer White > Call: (242) 601 6500
/ Call:(242) 457 1941

Spencer White is a highly respected a.. read more.

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