
$ 140,000
Single Family Vacant Lot For Sale
San Souci, Bahamas
Sq. ft. 17


Lot 2 is a 17,451 sq. ft. single family elevated lot located on Sans Souci Ridge. The lot can be purchased alone or with an additional 2 lots one on the left and on the right. All utilities are available to the site. The location is elevated with a downward slope to the south side and is ideal for building a large family home. Located close to shops, restaurants and other amenities makes this an ideal spot to plan your future home.

Property Details

Property type Residential Land
Address San Souci, Bahamas View map
$ 140,000
MLS# / Listing ID 45685
Sq. Ft. 17,451 sq.
Garry Markham > Call: (242) 601 6500
/ Call:(242) 357 9196

Garry arrived in the Bahamas from Eng.. read more.

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