
$ 1,370,000
Spacious Warehouse and Office Building
Sq. ft. 6


Located in West Nassau, this warehouse and office building houses a reception area, conference room, five offices, four work stations and storage room. It also has a full kitchen and male and female bathrooms along with 2 five ton a/c units. All furniture, light fixtures and appliances are included. The warehouse consists of 4,320 sq ft and the office area is 2,310 sq ft. The building is also available for rent at $12,000 per month.

Property Details

Property type Commercial
Address Bahamas View map
$ 1,370,000
MLS# / Listing ID 7333
Sq. Ft. 6,630
Lot Size 21,800 sq f
Heather Lightbourn Peterson > Call: (242) 601 6500
/ Call:(242) 477-7223

Heather has real estate in her blood... read more.

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