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Result(s) 0 - 53 of 53
$ 111,985
  • Beds 3
  • Baths 1
  • Sq. ft. 2000
  • Single Family Detached Cherry Hill, St.George's

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 149,812
  • Beds 2
  • Baths 1
  • Sq. ft. 1500
  • Single Family Detached Laura Lands, St. Davids

    St David, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 207,000
  • Beds 1
  • Baths 1
  • Single Family Detached Mohogany Run @ BBC Beach

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 219,101
  • Beds 3
  • Baths 2
  • Single Family Detached Independence Avenue

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by
    $ 220,371
  • Beds 3
  • Baths 2
  • Sq. ft. 2500
  • Single Family Detached Mt. Airy, St.George's

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 224,719
  • Beds 2
  • Baths 1
  • Single Family Detached Tranquil Bungalow in Vendome

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by
    $ 225,000
  • Beds 6
  • Baths 3
  • Sq. ft. 3100
  • Single Family Detached Mirabeau Retreat House

    St Andrew, Grenada

    Listed by
    $ 250,000
  • Beds 1
  • Baths 1
  • Single Family Detached Saphire Oasis One Bed Condo

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by
    $ 255,806
  • Beds 3
  • Baths 1
  • Single Family Detached CallisteHill

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by
    $ 275,000
  • Beds 3
  • Baths 2
  • Sq. ft. 2500
  • Single Family Detached Nice Branch

    St Andrew, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 328,000
  • Beds 5
  • Baths 3
  • Sq. ft. 1788
  • Single Family Detached Spring Apt Building

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 337,078
  • Beds 3
  • Baths 2
  • Single Family Detached Hope St. Andrew

    St Andrew, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 375,000
  • Beds 2
  • Baths 2
  • Single Family Detached Saphire Oasis Two Bed Condo

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by
    $ 434,465
  • Beds 3
  • Baths 2
  • Sq. ft. 2150
  • Single Family Detached WesterhallHeights

    St David, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 441,600
  • Beds 6
  • Baths 5
  • Single Family Detached Apartment Building Calliste, St. George

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 450,000
  • Beds 5
  • Baths 3
  • Single Family Detached Perdmontemps Modern Spacious Home

    St David, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 475,000
  • Beds 2
  • Baths 2
  • Sq. ft. 1528
  • Single Family Detached Hibiscus

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 495,000
  • Beds 5
  • Baths 3
  • Sq. ft. 2500
  • Single Family Detached Marian, St.George's

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 500,000
  • Beds 7
  • Baths 4
  • Single Family Detached Fond St. Patrick

    St Patrick, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 505,617
  • Beds 10
  • Baths 5
  • Single Family Detached Clarkes Court Bay

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by
    $ 595,000
  • Beds 3
  • Baths 2
  • Sq. ft. 3500
  • Single Family Detached Karland Heights, Grand Anse

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 625,000
  • Beds 4
  • Baths 4.5
  • Single Family Detached Golfers Retreat

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 662,520
  • Beds 3
  • Baths 2
  • Sq. ft. 3500
  • Single Family Detached The Lookout

    St David, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 699,000
  • Beds 7
  • Baths 4.5
  • Sq. ft. 6381
  • Single Family Detached Cherry Blossom

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by
    $ 700,000
  • Beds 4
  • Baths 4
  • Sq. ft. 2800
  • Single Family Detached Nesita

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 700,000
  • Beds 2
  • Baths 2
  • Single Family Detached Onyx at the Point at Petite Calivigny

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by
    $ 745,000
  • Beds 6
  • Baths 4.5
  • Sq. ft. 3453
  • Single Family Detached Beach Place

    St Patrick, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 750,000
  • Beds 2
  • Baths 2
  • Single Family Detached Angelite at the Point at Petite Calivigny

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by
    $ 850,000
  • Beds 4
  • Baths 3.5
  • Single Family Detached Westerhall Point Frangipani

    St David, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 900,000
  • Beds 7
  • Baths 4.5
  • Single Family Detached Bathera

    St Patrick, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 950,000
  • Beds 4
  • Baths 3.5
  • Sq. ft. 3800
  • Single Family Detached PBW2

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by
    $ 1,000,000
  • Beds 5
  • Baths 3
  • Single Family Detached LAE Apt Building

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by
    $ 1,000,000
  • Beds 4
  • Baths 4
  • Single Family Detached Sea La Vie

    St David, Grenada

    Listed by
    $ 1,100,000
  • Beds 4
  • Baths 4.5
  • Sq. ft. 8500
  • Single Family Detached Africa/Madigras

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by
    $ 1,200,000
  • Beds 4
  • Baths 3
  • Sq. ft. 3700
  • Single Family Detached Fort Jeudy Point

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 1,300,000
  • Beds 7
  • Baths 6
  • Single Family Detached Yellow Stone Dr, Lance Aux Epines

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 1,300,000
  • Beds 6
  • Baths 4
  • Single Family Detached Lance Aux Epines, S.A Francis Drive

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 1,300,000
  • Beds 5
  • Baths 5.5
  • Sq. ft. 5500
  • Single Family Detached Westerhall Point

    St David, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 1,375,000
  • Beds 4
  • Baths 4.5
  • Sq. ft. 5421
  • Single Family Detached Summerhill

    St Patrick, Grenada

    Listed by
    $ 1,500,000
  • Beds 2
  • Baths 2.5
  • Sq. ft. 4800
  • Single Family Detached Les Arches

    Carriacou, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 1,500,000
  • Beds 4
  • Baths 4
  • Single Family Detached Bay House

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by
    $ 1,650,000
  • Beds 4
  • Baths 2.5
  • Sq. ft. 3000
  • Single Family Detached Lance Aux Epines, Turtle Back Dr.

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 1,700,000
  • Beds 5
  • Baths 5
  • Sq. ft. 5000
  • Single Family Detached PBW3

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 1,795,000
  • Beds 5
  • Baths 6
  • Sq. ft. 5000
  • Single Family Detached Canoe Road, Westerhall, Saint David, Grenada

    St David, Grenada

    Listed by
    $ 1,800,000
  • Beds 2
  • Baths 2
  • Sq. ft. 2500
  • Single Family Detached Lance Aux Epines, Freedom Hill

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 1,800,000
  • Beds 5
  • Baths 3
  • Single Family Detached The Villa

    St David, Grenada

    Listed by
    $ 1,850,000
  • Beds 6
  • Baths 8
  • Single Family Detached Waterfront at Westerhall Point

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 1,875,000
  • Beds 5
  • Baths 4.5
  • Sq. ft. 6000
  • Single Family Detached Westerhall Point, St. David's

    St David, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 2,000,000
  • Beds 2
  • Baths 2
  • Sq. ft. 2800
  • Single Family Detached Victorian Grand Maison.

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 2,200,000
  • Beds 4
  • Baths 5
  • Sq. ft. 7700
  • Single Family Detached Coral View, Westerhall- St. David

    St David, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker
    $ 2,500,000
  • Beds 6
  • Baths 5
  • Single Family Detached LAE Beach Front

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by
    $ 2,500,000
  • Beds 13
  • Baths 10
  • Single Family Detached Freedom Hill Apartment Building

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by
    $ 3,950,000
  • Beds 5
  • Baths 6
  • Sq. ft. 5340
  • Single Family Detached LaLuna Villa Estate

    St George, Grenada

    Listed by Coldwell Banker

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